OzarkCon 2019

QRP Conference Schedule

When:     Friday April 5 & Saturday April 6
Where:     Stone Castle Hotel and Conference Center - 3050 Green Mountain Road, Branson, Missouri



1:00 - 2:00 PM Hotel Lobby
Registration desk open - Joy Dufrain, NQ5R
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Knights Room
Ocon University --The Final Reflection
Myths and Mysteries of VSWR, Transmission Lines, and the Conjugate Match.
Only 50 seats available
Dave Cripe NMØS
4:00 - 6:00 PM Hotel Lobby
Registration desk open - Joy Dufrain, NQ5R
4:00 PM until ??? Knights Room Vendor & Swap Setup - Vendor Fair follows
6:00 PM Stonehenge Room Banquet dinner + Speaker
Bob Heil,K9EID
Heil Sound...
After dinner till whenever... Knights Room Socializing and fun.
The QRP vendor fair and swap meet in the Knights Room will be open.
Common Area 2nd floor – near elevators Special Area for Crafts, needle work, scrapbooking, etc.
7:30 - ? PM Excalibur and Lancelot Rooms in Building "A"
KV6Z and Four State QRP Group Volunteers
Hands-on kit building workshop
(workshop registration required - only 50 seats available)
7:30 PM - ? Knights Room
Dummy Load QSO Party - WQ5RP
7030 to 7040 KHz plus 7122 KHz
Be sure to bring a portable rig, dummy load and QSL cards.
7:30 PM - ? Knights Room
Wacky Key Contest
Show off your crazy homebrew keys.
9:30 PM till ??? Knights Room Music for the QRPer Great musical fun tradition for all.
6:00 AM - 9:00 AM Stonehenge Room Private complementary breakfast for Registered QRPers
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Hotel Lobby and 4SQRP Kit Sales Registration desk open - Joy Dufrain, NQ5R
7:00 AM - all day KQ5RP on 7030-7040 KHz Paul Smith - NØNBD
Chief Radio Operator
and volunteers
Common Area 2nd floor – near elevators Special Area for Crafts, needle work, scrapbooking, etc.
Knights Room - Flea market vendor fair QRP flea market, vendor fair open all day
9:00 AM Conference Opening Remarks
Stonehenge Room
Johnny Matlock, ACØBQ 4SQRP President and Jeff Logullo, NØMII Master of Ceremonies
9:15 - 10:00 AM WWI Communications Mike Malone-KD5KXF
10:00 - 10:45 AM Building a Real Paraset or QRP Fights Back Steve White - NUØP
10:45 - 11:00 AM Stretch Break Prize drawings & announcements — Ed Meyer WG5F and Karen Meyer W5KKM
11:00 - 11:45
SOTA - Summits on the Air John Watkins - NØEVH
11:45 - 1:15 PM Lunch and QRP vendor/swap meet time Free Catered Lunch for Registered OzarkCon Attendees and Spouses
1:30 - 3:00 PM 3D printers & KiCad
Bring laptops to follow
Barry Buelow - WØIY
3:00 - 3:45 PM DMR Will Osborn - KØWDO & John Lucas- KØJDL
3:45 - 4:00 PM Stretch Break Prize drawings & announcements — Ed Meyer WG5F and Karen Meyer W5KKM
4:00 - 4:30 PM New Kit Information and More Dave Cripe NMØS
4:30 - 4:45 PM Plaque Presentations Johnny Matlock ACØBQ and Jeff Logullo NØMII
4:45 PM OzarkCon Grand Prize drawing - Lots of Prizes! Many thanks to Ed Meyer WG5F and Karen Meyer W5KKM
5:00 PM to ??? Dinner on your own
6:00 PM - ???? Evening activities and music for QRPers
Homebrew contest and equipment show and tell, demonstrations, socializing, more music and fun!
6:00 PM until Sunday or when found Hidden Oscillator Hunt If you don't win a prize at Ozarkcon there's still hope. After the prize drawings on Saturday KV6Z will activate two small 20mw rf oscillators (~7116.59 & 7120.96kHz) and hide them somewhere in or around the Stone Castle Hotel. Return the oscillator/s to KV6Z and receive an unbuilt 4SQRP kit as a prize. More later.
9:00 PM OzarkCon 2019 Officially Ends Thank you for your participation! We look forward to seeing you again in 2020.
6:00 AM - 9:00 AM Hotel Breakfast At the Hotel breakfast room for hotel guests
Times are somewhat flexible      -      Check back often for additional information

Page updated February 20, 2019


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The files and images on this site unless otherwise noted are copyright by
the Four State QRP Group and may not be published or used without permission.